About Us

adult adoptee older child adoption

The short version for the busy mom reader who can't take her eyes off her child from more than these two sentences…

As an adult-adoptee, parent trainer, and mama to both bio and adopted kids, it’s my passion to offer a compassionate, non-judgmental ear to mamas who have been blindsided by their adoption and/or parenting journey. I do my best to share authentically about our struggles (while still honoring our kids’ stories and privacy) so you don’t feel alone.

Connect with me on Instagram or join my FB parenting community, Essentially Connected Parenting.

If you have more than 10 seconds...

When our first baby arrived, I started a webpage (nope, not a blog) where I could keep a log of what we were doing and keep out-of-town family updated with photos. I literally updated HTML code every couple of days and “blog” was not in my dictionary.

Fast forward 14 years, and 5 more kiddos (4 through adoption). Our website turned official blog has tracked our family’s crazy. We have a reputation for jumping off the proverbial cliff—from adopting 3 older, non-related kids out of birth order to opening up a craft coffee shop as a “hobby” that provided job training for youth who had aged out of the foster care system.

We’ve been a classically homeschooling family (at least in part) since 2011. We had an unfortunate experience with CC, so I did what any reasonable over-achiever would do and started our own classical community with a similarly-minded friend.

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Along the way, we’ve gone from starry-eyed and bushy-tailed optimism to scarred and snarky disillusionment about topics including but not limited to adoption, foster care, mental health, education, faith, church, and racism. I also blog our grain-free recipes from time to time.

I’ve gone down the essential oil rabbit hole which has radically changed how we do healthcare and is currently our retirement and special needs trust plan rolled into one really fun adventure where I get to feed my extroverted tendencies.

I overcome life’s challenges by becoming a self-taught expert on anything I think might be relevant. My current project is researching the life out of fetal alcohol syndrome which affects our youngest son.

DISCLAIMER: Just because I have a lot of answers (or helpful blog posts), doesn't mean I've come even close to living them out. I teach not because I've got it figured out but because I need the accountability.

Where to find me...

Where social media is concerned, I’m obsessed with FB Live videos on the blog FB page and Instagram, so you can always hang out with me in those spaces. 

Want to connect in real life? I'd love to come speak at your event or small group meeting. I also actually read and respond to messages sent through the contact page. Be sure to leave a valid phone number because if the answer to your question is long, I’ll probably just call you.

I also attempt to send a more personal update via email about once a month (or as I remember), so be sure to subscribe if you want in on that.

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