Love B-I-N-G-O

Valentine’s Day approaches.  Normally, I try to make a concerted effort to ignore this over-commercialized, Hallmarked holiday.  However, this year, I stumbled across an activity I couldn’t pass up and it just so happens to fit February’s love theme.

The idea grew from an activity that Focus’ Thriving Family website promoted–LOVE BINGO.  They recommended reading 1 Cor. 13 to your kids and then playing LOVE BINGO which can be found here.

love bingo

I decided to take it one step further with our kids. 

Sometime this week, we’ll read 1 Cor. 13.  Then using the blank card provided, we’ll brainstorm tangible ways we can show our love to others.  I’ll make 3 copies of the newly-created BINGO card (1 for each kid).  We’ll hang them up on Feb. 1st and let the games begin.  Each time one of the kids demonstrates one of the actions we’ve listed on the card, they’ll get to mark it off with a dabber or sticker or stamp.  The first kid to get BINGO, will get a prize.  Actually we’ll probably do a prize for each kid as he gets BINGO.

What prize will we use?  Well, I haven’t thought that far ahead.  Probably candy or small amount of money.

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