With all the changes in education due to the pandemic, even children without ADHD seem to be struggling with focus. There are quite a few ways to help increase your child’s focus without medication. There’s no perfect formula, but here are some tried-and-true tricks you can use to increase your child’s focus. Or maybe yours, too!...
Author: Melissa
8 Smart Ways to Encourage Impulse Control
If you think about it, poor impulse control is the catalyst for a lot of ADHD symptoms. As a result, our kids lie, hit, yell, tap, or move on to the next shiny thing before they stop and think about the consequences. Remember that our kids’ brains do not function like neurotypical kids. Sometimes their...
How do you know if your child is misdiagnosed?
Maybe nothing seems to be working to help your child. Or your mama instinct just tells you that there’s more to the story than ADHD. There are 3 other diagnoses that have symptoms that mirror ADHD but have different treatment pathways. [bctt tweet=”There are 3 other diagnoses that have symptoms that mirror ADHD but have...
A Simple Hack To Have More Energy For Parenting
Four ways to decrease your mental load and decision fatigue so you can have more energy for your kids. Join the conversation in our private parent support group for more parenting tips and tricks. Click here to join.
How to Avoid Nagging Your Child
Parents don’t want to spend their time nagging and kids like it even less. Nagging drives a wedge in a relationship which is the opposite of what we want to do with our kids. So how can we get them to do what needs to be done and give them appropriate reminders without nagging? [bctt...
How To Transition To Summer Without Losing Your Mind
Transitioning from the school routine to the summer can be hard on kids with ADHD. A little planning goes a long way so you welcome summer with less frustration and more fun! Why are transitions hard? Kids with ADHD often struggle with executive functioning. This includes managing time, planning, and organizing. They rely on predictability...
The Ultimate Parent Guide to Childhood Lying
Lying is one of the most common behaviors parents contact me about. When someone lies to you, it breaks the trust and connection in your relationship. It may also trigger trauma from past betrayals. Lying shatters the felt safety we have with someone. It’s no wonder parents want to nip lying in the bud. When...
10 Weird But Effective Ways to Stop a Tantrum
No parent enjoys a tantrum. Kids don’t either. It never feels good to have such big feelings that they come out in crying, yelling, kicking, stomping, throwing, or whatever else makes up a meltdown for your child. Now would be a good time to note that there are levels of tantrums and dysregulation. Sometimes our...