How to Avoid Nagging Your Child

Parents don’t want to spend their time nagging and kids like it even less. Nagging drives a wedge in a relationship which is the opposite of what we want to do with our kids. So how can we get them to do what needs to be done and give them appropriate reminders without nagging?

[bctt tweet=”Check out these 5 tips for how to avoid nagging your child. #parenting” username=”corkboardblog”]

  1. Set Clear Expectations.
    This is especially important for repetitive tasks like chores. Establishing routines and rhythms is really helpful for kids who struggle with executive functioning. Consistency helps our kids feel safe and have the energy to manage other areas of their lives.
  2. Work to reduce verbal cueing.
    Instead of saying, “Johnny, stop humming,” try asking him why you would be calling his name. This helps him build body awareness. Eventually, you can move to completely non-verbal cueing.
  3. Use lots of visuals.
    A lot of kids with special needs have slow auditory processing times. When we use our words, even if we’re not nagging, they are having trouble processing what we’re saying fast enough to comply. This means that our words are also raising our kids’ anxiety levels. Visuals are great reminders for our kids that they can process quickly. They also help us all to stay consistent without nagging.
  4. Accept Natural Consequences.
    If the expectation is that your child has to finish chores before media time, no need to nag or remind. When he asks to play a video game or watch YouTube, just calmly remind him of the rule. It’s even better if you have a visual that spells out, “First chores, then media.” Your child may have some BIG feelings about the rules, but stay calm and don’t get on the crazy train with him. It’s important to not bend the rules to avoid a meltdown.
    For more on what to do when your child is getting out of control, click here.
  5. Do a Daily Glow/Grow Ritual.
    Before bed, tell your child something you saw that day that really impressed you. Then follow it with something she can work on. This forces you to distill down all the things you would normally nag about all day long into one simple statement that will have more impact that continual nagging all day long. After a while, your child may even be able to guess what your Grow is going to be!

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  1. AnnaMay 28, 2019

    I love the glow and grow concept! Definitely going to try this.

    1. MelissaJune 7, 2019

      Let us know how it goes!

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