If you’ve been reading along for a while, you know we are pretty fanatical about our Christmas chain. It occurred to me today that we have been really bad as a family about counting down to Easter. I was remembering a conversation I had with PJ in December about which was more important–Christmas or Easter. Everytime he thought he knew, I would throw out another thought that would make him change his mind. We never really settled on a hard answer except to recognize how important they both are. However, I was convicted today that our family actions don’t reflect them as equal holidays. Stupid commercialism.
Anyway, I thought, “Let’s do an Easter chain.” Then I started researching 40-day-long, family-friendly lenten activities that I could find without buying a book I don’t have time to acquire and came across this Lenten Cross worksheet. Click the image to download.
I like that it’s visual and action-oriented. It will flow nicely since we’re coming off of Love B-I-N-G-O. Lent starts tomorrow with Ash Wednesday so you’re not too late (not there’s really a “too late”) to join us!
Congratulations! Good work!
This is great! Totally about the spirit of Easter. Thank you for sharing.
Printed and taped up! Thanks!
Wonderful blog post, I am giving up soda for lent what about you?