Awesome, Ty!

Last fall, I was really torn between putting Ty in preschool and keeping him home an extra year to make sure we were setting him up to succeed whenever he entered the world of structured, group settings. Then I found this fabulous program that was a 3-hour-drop off (major points) AND half preschool-half gymnastics (remember Monkey Man?) AND super-structured AND had a super-small class size AND had experience with special needs kids AND had flexible scheduling which meant I could choose to send him one to four days a week AND fit in with the schedule of dropping off and picking up Mia from her half day program. Can you say P-E-R-F-E-C-T ?


Ty’s been going once a week since September and loving it!!! I’m so glad we chose to do it and not just because I get 2 whole hours of “me time” every week. It’s been a great gradual entry to group learning and socialization. Ty has learned so much (he actually raises his hand to talk at home now) and we’ve learned that he can function is a group setting…at least in this scenario.


Today was the end of the winter session and he got to do a little routine and recieve his A-W-E-S-O-M-E ribbon.


1 Comment

  1. KellyMarch 12, 2011

    That is awesome! Way to go Ty!!!! And way to go momma!!!!

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