5 Mistakes Parents Make When Using Consequences

The worst feeling in the world is feeling powerless against our kids’ challenging behaviors. In an effort to regain control, we often threaten, yell, and assign ineffective consequences. Here are the top 5 mistakes parents make when using consequences: We forget to reflect and regulate first which results in reacting instead of responding. We address...

adoption trauma ACES

An Open Letter to Trauma

A lot of moms (myself included) start to see their child as the adversary when bad behavior persists. One of the most helpful visuals that I learned when becoming a parent trainer was to stay on the same side as your child. Instead of imagining you against your child and his aggression, think about you...

Podcast | #07 Tricia Anderson

This week, I’m excited about welcoming my BFF, Tricia Anderson, to the show. As you’ll hear, we’re kinda the same person…and kinda not. We’re a rare example of besties who are on opposite side of pretty much every ideological spectrum we can think of. She’ll be coming back every so often to offer her perspective...

Foto Flashback Friday

For those of you who don’t know us in real life…or have entered our lives more recently…I sat down to write out a blog-length version of our adoption story recently. I had agreed to it months ago. It was challenging writing it without the narrative being completely colored by where we currently are in our journey....

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