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{Classical Conversations} Detailed Planner

I spent an inane amount of time trying to wrap my head around the best way to plan and schedule myself and the kids. I wanted something visual that fit a timetable but also allowed me to plan something different for each child if necessary. Originally, I thought I wanted a week view, but then I realized that was impossible short of adding a third dimension. The best solution seemed to be a day view. What I came up with is a day-at-a-glance on steroids.

My work flow is to gather resources for the each week in OneNote. I’ve been posting weekly resources along with a link to my OneNote notebook. Then I planned out a detailed schedule for a typical week…day-by-day. The last step is to fill out the schedule with the weekly resources so I everything at my fingertips during school for a smoother day.

I have already given myself a pep talk (or two or three) about how the times in the left margins are merely estimations.  Let’s say it one more time…merely time estimations. The last part of our summer has been more structured so the time estimations are not foreign.

You can download the spreadsheet by right clicking here and selecting ‘Save target/link as.’ If you don’t use Microsoft Office, you should be able to save the file to your computer and then upload it to Google Drive.

Here are some tips:

  1. The Master sheet has the least amount of info and is probably where you want to start.
  2. A column/child can be deleted or inserted by clicking the letter heading of the column and right clicking the highlighted column.
  3. If you are a hard copy kind of person, just print as many copies of the Master sheet as you need after you fill in the appropriate names in the top row. It is formated to fit across two vertical sheets but it’s possible to get it to print on one sheet in landscape mode if you have less kids than us or don’t want the notes column.
  4. If you wish to do it electronically like me, right click the Master tab and select ‘Move or Copy.’ Select ‘move to end’ and make sure the ‘Create a Copy’ box is checked.
  5. To edit the title of the sheet, double click the tab.
  6. I included our sample week and one example day mostly filled in with details. You can, of course, delete them by right clicking the sheet’s tab and selecting ‘Delete.’

What are your favorite planning tools if you’re a CC family?


  1. ShellieAugust 19, 2015

    Thanks so much for this resource! It is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

  2. KathyJune 18, 2015

    Hi Melissa, we met at TBRI training We are a CC family too and I am looking for good planner tools. What little I can see makes me want to look at more of yours but it says the file is corrupted, can you send me another version please?

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