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{Classical Conversations} Lapbook Review and Giveaway

DISCLAIMER: I am honored to again be reviewing Memory Lapbooks for Cycle 2 by Wisdom and Righteousness Resources. I was graciously given a complimentary set to review and permission to give a set away.

I think the most common questions asked about Classical Conversations revolve around whether memory work can constitute a curriculum or how to supplement it to fulfill portfolio requirements or satisfy a mental need for a paper trail.

One of the reasons I love the Wisdom and Righteousness CC Lapbooks is that they don’t minimize the memory work but reinforce it while creating a tangible keepsake.

From creator, Karen Gill:

This series is designed to complement Cycle 2 of Classical Conversations. You will need to own the guide to use (and make sense of) this product.  Your student will be able to get some hands-on learning with visual aids and pop-outs all designed to deepen your memory work experience and to solidify the information into your student’s memory for years to come! Moms report using them in a variety of ways – to aid in memorizing the material, to show those grandparents all you are learning, or even for state-required portfolio documentation! They can help your visual and tactile learners really “grasp” the material (no pun intended), and just make your Memory Work fun! Each lapbook includes templates to record 6 weeks of material.

I had Mia create the mini books last year and glue them into a composition book. Since I’m creating binders for all the kids this year, I was really excited to see Karen had added a binder layout option. A table of contents makes navigating each of the files (one for each 6-week quarter) much easier.  When you pair the lapbook with a tri-board, it becomes a great independent review and reinforcement activity.

Enter below to win a Cycle 2 Package for your family.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. SarahAugust 19, 2013

    Is there a winner?! 🙂

  2. LauraAugust 14, 2013

    I loved the orchestra lapbook last year and am looking forward to completing Cycle 2 this year!

  3. MariaAugust 13, 2013

    This looks fabulous- thank you for the giveaway.

  4. Sally S.August 13, 2013

    I’ve seen lapbooks, but haven’t tried it out fully yet – looking fwd to adding it this year!

  5. YahilizAugust 12, 2013

    We haven’t started doing lapbooks yet. But I’d like to get started! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  6. Sharon HAugust 12, 2013

    I’m a big fan of Wisdom and Righteousness lap books! 🙂

  7. LindaAugust 12, 2013

    Love adding lap books as a hands on way to reinforce learning!

  8. LauraAugust 12, 2013

    We haven’t used lap books before, but now that my crafty daughter is old enough to join us at CC, this would be a wonderful resource!

  9. MistyAugust 12, 2013

    We just started using CC memory work & this looks like it would be really neat & helpful!

  10. LorrieAugust 12, 2013

    Wow! Those look great! I’m typically a minimalist homeschooler; we don’t have room for a lot of extras. These lapbooks look like they would be a perfect way to beef up our CC work, without needing a ton of extra supplies.

    Thank you!

  11. SeasquirrelsAugust 12, 2013

    Listening to the grammar on cd is helpful to us as we drive to our oppointments. .

  12. PauletteAugust 12, 2013

    My favorite way to supplement CC memory work is playing games and lap books.

  13. Candace LAugust 12, 2013

    This will be our first year doing CC and I have been eyeing these Lapbooks! Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. KimberlyAugust 12, 2013

    We enjoyed lapbooking to supplement our memory work last year — first year with CC and lapbooking!

  15. RebeccaAugust 12, 2013

    Cycle 2 alot of great information. Looking forward to a great year.

  16. PeggyAugust 12, 2013


  17. Kristen HAugust 12, 2013

    We used these last year! I would love to try the new binder format this year.

  18. BrittanyAugust 12, 2013

    We used the cycle one lapbooks and loved them! So excited for these!

  19. carlenAugust 12, 2013

    Yay! thank you for hosting this! It would be a huge blessing!

  20. Julie HoeflingAugust 12, 2013

    Love these – used them last year with my son. Great reinforcement! 🙂

  21. Abigail CarpenterAugust 12, 2013

    Would love to win!!!

  22. Cory OAugust 12, 2013

    This looks great! I would love to use them to reinforce what we learn each week at CC!

  23. KelliAugust 12, 2013

    I would love to win this!

  24. Jen KeyAugust 11, 2013

    This looks great! Hope I win! Blessings, jen

  25. SnjezanaAugust 11, 2013

    Wisdom and righteousness CC Lapbooks , of course!!!! Would love to have cycle 2!!!!

  26. JenniferAugust 11, 2013

    These look awesome. I’m interested in if they would work for my family.

  27. Lv2bemommyAugust 11, 2013

    Our current favorite resource is the geography table. As our kiddos get older I could see the lap-books becoming a favorite. Right now our guys are little and it was a lot of work for mommy!

  28. KimAugust 11, 2013

    These look like a wonderful resource!

  29. JosephineAugust 11, 2013

    We have never tried lapbooking before, but this is the first year we are doing CC so this would be neat to go along with our year.

  30. SarahAugust 11, 2013

    We are new to homeschool AND CC this year, but I know that my son especially (3rd grade) would love this type of resource. I plan to use it anyway, but in the binder format.

  31. Deana MackAugust 10, 2013

    Love these!

  32. NicoleAugust 10, 2013

    We are new to CC this year and I’m tutoring my daughter’s class!…I think the lapbook would be a great hands-on way to reinforce what we’re learning through CC. Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. JulieAugust 10, 2013

    I am brand new to CC. My 4 year old will be starting Foundations in September. We can’t wait!!! Any supplemental material that helps (either one of us, but especially me :)) would be so wonderful to have.

  34. HeidiAugust 9, 2013

    I was just looking at these a couple of weeks ago and would LOVE to win! We are first time homeschoolers starting our 1st grader in CC this year. I want to take things easy so as not to overwhelm both of us, but she is a visual and kinesthetic learner, so anything that reinforces the memory work would be such a help. Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. VanessaAugust 9, 2013

    Hi! I love that CC direct us to know God and make Him known. I think of CC then as the supplement to the Bible. I was blown away to how the timeline opens up the Bible. My daughter was 5 turning 6 in Abecedarians and totally understood The Bible Series at Easter because of the Timeline! And then we went to the Bible and it opened the timeline up even more! It was incredible that she actually “got” that what it meant when she saw Jeremiah upset that the temple would be destroyed. She told me, “Mom! Doesn’t he know that “Jews return and rebuild the temple??” LOL!!! Love it!

    P.S. I love your site. Our street’s name is Corkwood. I will have you bookmarked.

    1. MelissaAugust 10, 2013

      What a great story!

  36. ChristyAugust 9, 2013

    We have not done these before but I think my daughter would like them.

  37. JoAnn DAugust 9, 2013

    We are new to CC. Love all the different resources to assist parents with teaching their kids. 🙂

  38. NicoleAugust 9, 2013

    Loved using your cycle 1 lapbooks – the “only” lapbook resource in our opinion! I really like the binder option for this year.

  39. Leslie HortonAugust 9, 2013

    I’m also new to CC and to homeschooling. I cannot wait to learn alongside my two precious boys and teach them to know God and make Him known!

  40. Kate DAugust 9, 2013

    I would love to try lapbooking with my kids while reinforcing the memory work!

  41. MichelleAugust 9, 2013

    We too are new to CC this year. I appreciate everyone’s great responses to this blog post question on ways to supplement CC memory work. Thanks for the great ideas everyone.

  42. JenniferAugust 9, 2013

    I am new to CC! I am Really HOPING to learn alot for my son! POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!!!

  43. MichelleAugust 9, 2013

    Love this! We just signed up for CC a couple of weeks ago, attended a 3-day practicum this week, and we’re almost ready to go! A lapbook addition would be great. 🙂

  44. RachelAugust 9, 2013

    We really like the audio CDs; we listened to them in the car on the way to and from CC each week.

  45. Melissa CragerAugust 9, 2013

    We are new to CC and I really hope my kids love it as much as I do so far from tutor training and practicum. I think these would help make the learning fun!

  46. Myra HayesAugust 9, 2013

    I would love to have this for my children. I have never done a lap book and this would be a great opportunity.

  47. KimAugust 9, 2013

    I’ve not used Lapbooks before, but we LOVE CC. I think this would be great for my boys. Thank you for the opportunity!

  48. Camille SeeverAugust 9, 2013

    We are just beginning to explore lapboards this year so I don’t have a favorite brand right now. I’m just excited to have a means of reinforcing memory work with my hands-on, craft loving daughter!

  49. Amy GAugust 9, 2013

    I love using lapbooks.

  50. ElizabethAugust 9, 2013

    This is our first year doing Classical Conversations and this would be perfect for us to supplement!

  51. ElizabethAugust 9, 2013

    This is our first year doing Classical Conversations but it looks like exactly what we need to supplement!

  52. KristinAugust 9, 2013

    We would love to give these a try. We are trying to do more with our CC memory work this year and this seems like a fun way to help! Thanks for offering!

  53. VeronicaAugust 9, 2013

    We are just starting CC this fall so I don’t have any experience or opinions to share. But this looks like a great product.

  54. Bethany KaczmarekAugust 9, 2013

    Oh, hey! I didn’t answer the rafflecopter question. We used Answers In Genesis Ancient Civilizations and the Bible CDs to listen to as we worked. The Ancient History based writing in the Essentials program also complements the memory work beautifully.

  55. Bethany KaczmarekAugust 9, 2013

    We loved the lapbooks last year for the same reason. Not only was the review helpful (and tactile for those of us who desperately need to do something with our hands), but the conversation that happened around the table also made the experience enriching. Thanks for the opportunity to win a set!

  56. jackieAugust 9, 2013

    this is our first year doing CC AND homeschooling. Would LOVE lap nooks to help me teach!

  57. KarolynAugust 9, 2013

    We love to find simple books to go along with the topics. Also, we use a memory board for a visual. Thank you for the giveaway!

  58. BrianaAugust 9, 2013

    I have found that playing the CC Audio CD’s over lunch or in the car combined with a simple verbal review to be sufficient for my boys. My more tactile girlie may need more reinforcement via lapbook or some other visual cues, so this could be a good fit for her.

  59. ErinAugust 9, 2013

    These look Awesome! I would love to try them, especially since this is our first year with CC!

  60. ErinAugust 9, 2013

    These look awesome! I would love to try them, especially since this is our first year of CC:)

  61. DebiDewAugust 9, 2013

    adding motions or making up dances

  62. EileenAugust 9, 2013

    We used these lapbooks last year and loved them! Would love to win a set for this year!

  63. DebiDewAugust 9, 2013

    Heading into Cycle 2, this would be fabulous!

  64. Angela CrawleyAugust 9, 2013

    I used the Memory lapbooks for Cycle 1 and my girls LOVED them. Thanks!

  65. CharAugust 9, 2013

    This is our 1st year doing CC and we are so excited to get started! I am sure working on some lap books will provide great reinforcement for the wonderful memory work associated with CC!

  66. AlaneAugust 9, 2013

    Well, this is our first year of CC, so I’m not sure, but my boys like lapbooking so I think doing somem lapbooking of some of the memory work will be great (they would probably revolt if we lapbooked everything for the whole year)

    1. MelissaAugust 9, 2013

      Alane, we found the amount of lapbooking for just memory work very manageable if we went week by week and did a little everyday. It did feel like a lot of lapbooking if we did more in depth lapbooks for a certain subject like science.

  67. Angela N.August 9, 2013

    I could completely read the question to which we were to reply (partially cut off on my iPhone) for some reason. If it said my favorite resource for reinforcing CC memory work through lapbooks, the answer is Wisdom and Righteousness!!

    1. MelissaAugust 9, 2013

      I think they are great, too, Angela!

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