We’re really simplifying this year. You can see our Game Plan here.
Here are activities I found when we did Cycle 3 last time. I’ve added a book list at the bottom which also includes resources relevant to Geography.
Can you believe Week 24 is upon us? The unseasonably warm weather and upcoming trip to Ethoipia has us all itching to be finished school for the year. At the same time, I’m gearing up for next year, writing curriculum, reviewing curriculum, buying curriculum, and selling curriculum.
History: Bill of Rights
For the younger kids, I really like this lesson plan that uses picture books to explore the first 10 Amendments. A lot of the books seem to be out of print, but there are enough we found at the library to make due. This simple game would make a good review.
For older kids, you may want to check out this plan or this plan. They will also really enjoy this game.
Science: Solutions
This week we’ll learn how to make a saturated solution from Lesson 23 in Christian Kids Explore Chemistry. If you’re not using this book, check out the Chapter 5 lessons here.