Buying products from a network marketing company usually makes me twitch. Even now that I work for a network marketing company, I still feel my guard go up around my Jamberry, Beach Body, Rodan + Fields, and
I know that essential oils seem to be the new trendy thing to do, and there is a lot of chatter about how and where to go about buying them. I tell folks I share with that they need to do their research and feel great about what they’re buying and from whom they’re buying. I do not want to be selling to folks I convinced. I believe in the integrity of the product and company enough to have confidence that they will sell themselves.
Here’s why I’m glad I stumbled into this particular company and community:
- Purity and Sustainability. By supporting and educating indigenous farmers, this company ensures that the oils are extracted from organically grown plants, and that the plants will be around for generations to come—never harvested in a way to negatively impact the biome. Our venture in coffee opened our eyes to the ways businesses here in the states can best support economies in developing countries. I was thrilled to find out my oil company had similar practices. Third party testing certifies that the there are no adulterations to, or contaminants or impurities in the oils.
- Loyalty and Rewards. Everyone is looking for a great deal. At first glance, I was convinced I could get oils for less money somewhere else. Then I understood how to work the system. I have about $1000 of products I’ve been rewarded for free. When it’s all said and done, I pay about $10 for a bottle of lemon and get a $3 rebate the next month. I also get my shipping paid back in free product. Honestly, my couponing-thrifting-dealfinding funny bone has been tickled.
- Support and Community. One of the most common reasons I find that folks are hesitant about starting with essential oils is that they’re intimidated. The beauty of oils is their incredible versatility, but it can also be overwhelming to know where to start with a bottle of lavender if you know it can be used dozens of ways. We are not just a company that sells oils, we are a community. We hold classes, chat on FB groups, and receive quarterly magazines. Additionally, you’re always in contact with someone further down the road than you who can answer your questions.
If you would like more information about joining my wellness and oil-loving community, would like to get some free custom samples to try, or would just like to know which company I chose,* please contact me.
*I would share it here but federal guidelines won’t allow it.
Which company?
Check your email 🙂