2016-2017 Homeschool Plans

I feel like our summer flew! And our homeschool-length summer–which starts in May and ends in September–is longer than most.

Last year, we beta-tested a new classical homeschool community. While we were only 3 families, it was a really sweet year with a fabulous dynamic–kids and mamas alike. This year, we dreamed to expand in number and offering. Meet Bridges Classical Community. We added 6 families and now offer a Logic level (7th and 8th grade-ish) and a Rhetoric level (high school).

With two kids moving up a stage (Mia to Logic and PJ to Rhetoric), less opportunity for crisis, and a business still to fit in, I decided to be more intentional with our routine this year.

<<drum roll, please>>

Here is what an ideal week would look like:

2016 routine(click image to enlarge)

My work and planning will happen before 8AM and after 3PM most days with answering and sorting emails during lunch. While there are times listed, I’m going for routine over schedule.

Curriculum you wonder?

Click here for our Claritas Cycle 1 Resource List

Ty (Grammar Stage, independent reader, special needs)

Bible, Science, Language Arts, Art, Music, Latin, Geography, History will all be covered in our 1.5 community days. #wewin.

At home, we’ll handle math, read lots, and master the weekly memory work and spelling list.

Math is a struggle. We rotate between Math Mammoth (main spine), Right Start Math, and Khan Academy. Basically when we get stuck at a concept, we drop it and move to another concept in another curriculum, gain some confidence, then come back to where we were stuck. It pretty much always works that we get it on the second go-round.

Mia (Logic Stage)

Everything but music will happen and/or be assigned from community. #doublewin
Click here to see specifics. We’re in Year A.

For math, she’ll continue in Math Mammoth.

For music, Mia will continue to practice and teach herself piano with a little guidance from me.

PJ (Rhetoric Stage)

Again, all of PJ’s credits this year will originate in community. #stillwinning
He’ll be completing the Alpha year credits.

Patrick is putting his MA in Theology to write the Hebrew scripture course content.

Credits that don’t have a curriculum link we’re creating with the kids using a bit of Thomas Jefferson Education philosophy. The plan is to take good notes and have our experience documented to be able to share with other communities in the future.

For math, PJ will do Life of Fred Algebra. He enjoys the sense of humor and non-repetitiveness of it.

If you need help picking homeschool curriculum for your family, please let me know. I’d love to help.

If you’re all planned for this year, care to share?

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