
We made a conscious decision when we started having children that I would be their full-time caretaker.  I truly think it’s the best thing for my kids and I love having them in tow for most of their waking hours.  But sometimes…

…when I have to listen to screaming, crying, and whining at 8AM all the way to school and all the way back,

…when it takes a child 3 hours to chew his lunch and then he throws it up anyway,

…when I’m wiping poopy butts that aren’t my own,

…when the thought of listening to one more children’s CD makes me want to scream, cry, and whine all the way to school and all the way back,

…when the only adult conversation I get is on Facebook.  Heck, when the only adults I see during the day are through our van windows at carpool,

…when my workout consists of bending over to tie shoes and chasing and lifting runaway toddlers,

 I wish I believed in full-time daycare.

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