How Ty Hears the World

Nearly every night Mia ends her prayer with “and I pray for everything I am missing. Amen.”  She’s a little paranoid and likes to cover her bases.  One night Ty prayed for a toy Mia had lost weeks ago.  It seemed out of place but Ty is usually pretty random so we let it slip.  Then, it happened every night.  He was always praying for her missing toy.  Wait…missing.  <insert uncontrollable laughter here>.  For all those weeks, Ty thought Mia was praying for missing things not overlooked prayer requests.

Fast foward a couple months.  We’re at a first birthday party.  Patrick and Ty are watching  the little guy open presents.  Ty wants to know if he can have cake. 

Patrick: You can have cake afterwards.

Ty:  Blah, blah, blah.  PJ, Mommy, Mia, Daddy, Uncle Bob, Aunt Beth.  Now can I have cake?

Apparently, he heard, “You can have cake after words.”

<insert more uncontrollable laughter here>.

1 Comment

  1. Arisa SohmaOctober 11, 2011

    LOL Love it.

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