How Classical Conversations is different than a co-op

To our other home school friends, we often talk about our “co-op” just because “CC” isn’t a universal term.  But, in reality, CC isn’t a co-op at all and here’s why:

  1. Classes are divided by age group and all classes are covering the same material.  This may look slightly different depending on the age group but each class is exposed to the same memory work, fine art lesson, and science activity. 
  2. While parents are required to be on site, they are not required to teach…just help out where needed.  Non-tutoring parents help to set up activities, pass out papers, clean up, answer questions, etc.
  3. Classes are led by trained, paid, tutors.  Yes, tutors are also parents of the participating students but they are trained and paid for their position.
  4. Classes are led by tutors…not teachers.  The responsibility for material mastery always lies with the parent.  The tutors merely introduce the material.
  5. The main object is to create community not teach (although the kids do learn a lot).  To that end, the morning ends with lunch and recess.
  6. Classical Conversations is a national organization with more than a decade of experience which means tried and true.  It also means that if you move, you can continue with a similar community since each community in the country is on the same cycle.
  7. CC covers memory work in 7 areas (math, English grammar, Latin, science, history, geography, and timeline) plus provides a fine art and science lesson which means it can be the main skeleton of your curriculum and not just a supplement.

NOTE:  These points apply mostly to Foundations (Age 4 to 6th grade).

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