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Just Kidding

Apparently the letter was a mistake and we should have our approval by the end of the week. I’m trying not to get my hopes up. God’s timing is beautiful though. If our timing from here on out is anything like everyone else’s (hasn’t been so far, but here’s hoping), we could coincide our trip...

Today we received a letter from CIS stating they needed more documentation from us.  We’re a little frustrated that it wasn’t sent/requested originally but excited that we are finally in communication with them and that they do, in fact, have our petition. I think we’re mostly frustrated that it’s a Saturday and we cannot do...


For everyone we’ve talked to about waiting who has been so outraged at the system, we thank you. Your support and empathy has meant a lot. However, I feel an incredible peace about our wait though. Not to say that I don’t emerging moments of anger, panic, and frustration. I just feel that God has...

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