11 Breakthrough Solutions for Struggling Kids

Before parenting children with challenges, I had a pretty bare toolbox. The learning curve after our first adoption was steep. During our journey, we’ve researched and learned a lot. It started with some simple parenting shifts. Then we learned that there is a fascinating mind-body connection. This opened a world of other things to try. […]

The Best Ways for Connecting through Play

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” -Diane Ackerman For children with attachment disorders, hugs and affection may cause acting out. Play can be a non-threatening way to build connection and teach trust. Try doing one of these activities at the same time every day so it becomes part of your routine. Give your child some […]

bedtime routines trouble sleeping children

5 Bedtime Routines for Children Who Have Trouble Sleeping

You’ve survived until the end of the day, and you just want your kid to GO. TO. BED. Dealing with a child who has trouble sleeping can make a mean mommy out of even the most patient saints. I find that a lot of kids have trouble at bedtime due to some underlying anxiety. Usually, […]

Who are children from “hard places?”

I often talk about children from “hard places” when I talk about the whys for using connected parenting. I figured it might be helpful to tell you exactly what the “hard places” are. Who knows? You may be parenting a child from a “hard place” and not be aware. It might help you understand a lot more […]

snack ideas for kids paleo

Using snacks to improve behavior

Kids from “hard places” are children who experienced early trauma such as abuse, neglect, medical intervention, prenatal exposure to substances, or even changes in primary caregiver. These children often have significant changes to insulin receptor sites which makes them more sensitive to changes in blood sugar levels [1]. This also goes for kids with ADHD. […]

How to Use Himalayan Salt Lamps with Special Needs Children

Whether it’s chemical brain imbalances or just the constant struggle to adapt, kids with special needs often struggle with high anxiety levels. These high anxiety levels are often followed by emotional outbursts, trouble focusing, and low self-esteem. We’re in the boat with you, so I know that any tips and tricks on how to battle […]

The 4-Letter Word That’s Making You a Grumpy Parent

What is hard about parenting a child who doesn’t meet an expectation? Have you ever heard yourself saying these phrases as a parent? “But he SHOULD be able to do that.” “He SHOULD remember after 500 reminders.” Or “I SHOULDN’T have to do that for him.” “I SHOULDN’T have to live that way.” Me. Me. […]

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The problem with using essential oils for challenging kids

When I first heard of using essential oils for mood and emotions management for kids from hard places, I set out to try as many oils on my kids as possible. I was looking for that magic fix. Quite frankly, I didn’t care if they were on board. When you’re desperate, you’ll beg, negotiate, plead, and […]