The Best Stinky Laundry Solution

Imagine this scenario with me. Husband (who sweats profusely when doing any physical activity) goes to hot yoga during lunch break. Husband puts clothes from hot yoga into backpack. Husband empties clothes from hot yoga into laundry hamper the next time he packs to go. He doesn’t go every day. EWWW! So your laundry might […]

Laundry Detox

This post contains affiliate links. Why stop at laundry balls? We also use safe, natural products in our washing machine. I was using a recipe that required grating Fels Naptha soap and used Borax. Grating is a pain and the jury’s out on how “safe and natural” Fels Naptha and Borax are. I did a […]

Weighted Wool Laundry Balls

This post contains affiliate links. I successfully detoxed my shower routine. Onto laundry. When I first saw a post detailing how to create wool laundry balls, I was so excited at the simplicity. I created a set of four, but was not impressed by their weight. I knew part of the way laundry balls work […]