Camping in Maine | Round 3

Well, we didn’t get to be the first people to see the sun rise on the east coast this visit, but we did get to enjoy the view from atop Cadillac Mountain. We started with “normal” snapshots on the mountain. Then we just got silly.

Camping in Maine | Round 2

In case you missed it, check out Round 1. Once there was a family who set out on a hike. While the wild blueberries were delightful, It was called the Precipice. That should have been a clue. Ladder rungs. Enough said. We did make it to the summit. The view was amazing.

Camping in Maine | Round 1

Twelve years ago, we honeymooned in Bar Harbor, ME. It was an uncharacteristic 105 degrees for the entire 2 weeks we were there. Patrick’s been itching to get back ever since and take the kids. Fortunately, it was gorgeous and in the 70’s this time around. In typical Corkum craziness, we camped with 5 other […]