Foto Friday

I know it’s not Friday and there’s no photos but I couldn’t find another creative title.  Besides they say a picture is worth a thousand words.  So I thought I might try the words side this week, you can use your imagination for the picture.

I took all 3 kids bowling on Thursday.  Let’s just say it was an adventure.  Picture me trying to help Mia roll her ball fast enough down the lane so it reached the pins during this decade while trying to keep Ty from rolling the balls in the rack back down the chute.  You know, the chute that says an approximation of ‘keep your hand out of here or watch it fall off.’  You may ask “Why would she even try taking 3 kids bowling by herself?”  The answer is because I love free stuff.  I wish I had pictures but the camera was at home and my hands were a little too busy for pictures.

Friday, was Ty’s first trip to the zoo.  I will have photos from this next week.

Lastly, check out this video here.  I know it’s a Korean blog and you can’t read it, but the video is in English.  Now imagine this conversation:

Mia:  Daddy, why is it called toilet paper?

Daddy:  Because it’s paper that goes in the toilet.

Mia:  But it doesn’t go in the toilet, it goes in the trash can next to toilet. That’s what it’s there for.  And if you don’t, I am going to put my right shoe up your butt.

Note:  When we showed the kids this video, we didn’t preview it first and we turned it off as soon as we noticed where it was going.  Apparently, we weren’t fast enough and kids remember EVERYTHING!

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