Foto Friday

So we’re kind of back into our normal routine.  I know you’re probably hanging on the edge of your seat wondering what happened during the last part of our vacation.  Not to worry, OBX: Part 4 is in the works.

These will have to do for now since I am flipping out that I’m missing Cow Appreciation Day.  I might be able to whip up cow costumes like these before dinner.

20090709pool015 Yesterday we spent the day at the pool with Nana (Melissa’s mom) who is nannying for friends of ours.

20090709pool022-edit  Ty had a blast even though the baby pool would have been solid ice if it had been any colder.  His speech is improving significantly so he is a lot more pleasant to hang around.

20090709pool008-edit PJ is our resident fish and has really caught onto the whole swimming thing.  Maybe he’ll pass the deep end test next year.  I’m trying to convince him he want to “tri” with me soon.

20090709pool004-edit Our resident diva is not quite swimming yet but has made great strides in being able to get her face wet and even go under somtimes.

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One Comment

  1. It was so much fun being togther at the pool! Glad you came for a visit with the Bowmans.

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