Happy 1097th Day, Ty!


Ty’s original referral picture

So unlike biological children, parents do not look back on the birthdates of adoptive children and have memories of physical labor, hospital gowns, IVs, doctors, and nurses. 

When Ty was born 3 years ago today, he wasn’t even a hope, dream, or prayer for us.  Mia was 18 months old (the age at which PJ was when I got pregnant with her).  Let’s just suffice to say that we were not even remotely ready to welcome a third child into our midst.

with his first foster family

We were, however, trying to subdivide our land (that never happened), living with my parents (now they live with us, if you want to get technical), and trying to put the nightmare of what was Patrick’s broken leg behind us (he had just recovered from a second surgery).

And, unbeknownst to us, a half a world away, a tiny 1 lb 7 oz baby boy was making his grand entrance. 

only a couple days home

Now, he’s a whoppin’ 24 pounds, stubborn as a mull, and cute as a…well, as cute as a strong-willed, screaming toddler can be.

this year’s Christmas card insert

Happy  Birthday, Ty!

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