Foto Friday

We’ve had a pretty…mmm…shall we say interesting week.  On top of starting a business, having car problems, crashing car with problem on a patch of black ice, and having sick kids, there was a tragic death in our church community that is taking its toll emotionally on us.  Let’s just suffice to say that Wednesday was a welcome snow day to chill.


And kick our feet up.


Ok, well we did that for a little while, but if you know our family, we can’t sit still for very long.  So we also got in some snow time.  The first snows we got this season were too cold and powdery for much of a snowman, but Wednesday’s snow was perfect even if the snowman only lasted a couple hours before biting the dust snow.



And Patrick taught PJ how to program the Lego robot (who Mia affectionately named Mr. Electric) I put together for work the other night.


Life father, like son.


All-in-all it was a great day with a good balance between laziness and productive-ness.  It’s days like Wednesday that make me think I might enjoy homeschooling if I wasn’t so in love with the classical education our children are getting at their current school.  Then I have days like yesterday where I got to go grocery shopping with only one child and think I’ll just make the most out of the snow days God has given us and send in my re-enrollment forms for next year 🙂


  1. dreawoodFebruary 7, 2010

    Wow you all got a ton of snow!!!

  2. dreawoodFebruary 7, 2010

    Wow you all got a ton of snow!!!

  3. KimFebruary 6, 2010

    You take the most AMAZING pictures Melissa!! LOVE them!

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