Foto Friday

20100320ritaThe sun didn’t really let them show it for the camera, but we were all super-excited to welcome Spring 2010 with complimentary italian ice from Rita’s. We were able to sneak some in before family arrived to celebrate my grandfather’s 84th birthday.

20100320edit_granddad84_16This is the cake that the kids helped me make for it. We always do a traditional Irish cornbeef and cabbage meal for Granddad’s birthday. We thought having a rainbow with gold at the end would be a fitting dessert. You can find the recipe here. (The only thing I did differently was bake all the layers first.  Freeze them and then assemble all at one time.)

20100320tysingNo party is complete at our house without some for of video game entertainment.  This time it was Beatles Rockband.  Ty has become quite our musician.  He thoroughly enjoys playing with the big boys and even more so when it means he can sing his little heart out into a microphone.

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