Things I {heart}: Websites

I guess in this case, it’s actually a blog called A Penny Saved.  I came across this blog because the author, Jen, seems to stop by our blog periodically.  I love the blog format for deals over forums because I can subscribe via RSS feed and the posts come directly to my inbox.  I love all the freebies and coupon money-makers she posts.

You’ll note that a lot of the samples require you to enter an email address.  That’s where another one of my favorite sites comes in–MailinatorMailinator allows you to create a legitimate email address on-the-spot without any registration.  Just enter <anythingyouwant> in the email field.  If the form requires validation, you can hop over to Mailinatorwhere they hold emails to your account for a couple hours.  Then you can forget about the account and not compromise the security and spam-proofness of your normal email.  Just remember that Mailinator accounts are not secure so don’t use it if you think private information will be sent to the email.  Confused? Check out their FAQs.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Posted in Favorite Things.


  1. Hi there!!

    We found you through the FF and love your blog! Come on over and visit us when you get a free moment. Have a fantastic weekend! ((hugs)) <3

  2. Here from FF #239 on the List. I have never heard of that site. Always a little skeptical of unsecured site. will check it out though.

  3. Hi! Stopping by from FF. I have to check out that Mailinator site. That would so come in handy when signing up for newsletters, etc. just to get freebies or other deals online.

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