State of our Family

January seems to be the month to give the state of anything (Union, State, school, etc) so here’s the State of our Family in list form because that’s how I roll write.

  1. PJ’s into anything written as a comic book, Star Wars, and LEGOs.  He constantly amazes us with how much he knows and his amazing intuition for how things work.
  2. Mia’s slowly working her way into the reading world.  She goes to a non-accerlerated, half-day kindergarten so she’ll be right on track when they introduce formal reading instruction next fall.
  3. Ty’s still a handful but he’s come such a long way, too. He thinks he’s giving up napping but he hasn’t come quite that far yet.  I still need my afternoon break.
  4. We’re in the middle of a major house cleaning out.
  5. The chilly winter is evidenced by the amount of snow still on the ground from the couple inches we got last week which is now under the inch we got last night.
  6. The house is hopping with lots of guests as we host a pre-adoptive workshop and book club every week.
  7. Patrick’s taking two classes this semester and the light has appeared at the end of his Master’s tunnel!
  8. I have 2 glorious free hours of kid-free time every week when she catches up on blogging, photo editing, and Grafted Families stuff. 
  9. We have one new car and one that we pray will not leave the kids and me stranded anywhere any time soon.  Speaking of cars, I drive between 400 and 500 miles a week.
  10. Our Ravens lost so here’s to picking up the baseball season where we left off last year!

What’s the state of your family?

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