{#8} Social Workers Are NOT The Enemy

Typically I think social workers are more intimidating to adoptive parents than RAID is to insects. 


Because the person who has the power to place a child in your house is assumed to have the power to take him away.

Although meant to promote adoption, last Saturday’s FOX movie, Change of Plans, was another media portrayal of a judgemental social worker.

In reality, social workers are really not looking for ways to dissapprove of you.  Once they place a child, they want you to have a successful placement as much as you do.  Also, once your adoption finalizes, they really don’t have any more power over you than any other parent out there. 

What does that mean for us adoptive parents?

Our social workers may be our best, untapped post-adopt resource.  They can hook you up with other families, provide professional service recommendations, and just be a listening ear.

Just give them a chance.

Posted in Things Adoptive Parents Should Know and tagged .

One Comment

  1. I 100% agree!!! We have an absolutely amazing social worker…actually, we've had 2. But, our 2nd one has almost become a part of our family. She had the horrendous job of coming to our home & telling us that our son's birthmom (our son…a referral from Vietnam!) had returned & wanted to parent. That's nearly unheard of in international adoption. She then had the blessing of calling us 3 wks later with news that we had a daughter waiting in Vietnam.

    I email/call her all the time with questions about our daughter's adjustment & she (our SW) is fabulous about getting back to us…!!!!!!!!!!!!

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