Perfect Primal (or Paleo) Pancakes

For almost two months now, 4 of us have been eating mostly Primal (think Paleo with more dairy). If you don’t know what Paleo is, think grain-free or only fruit, veggies, meat, nuts, and seeds.

It started with me trying to kick regular migraines, a nagging joint injury, and unstable blood sugar levels when I was hungry. Then Patrick jumped on board to lose weight. We felt so good, we bribed encouraged Ty and Grace to try.

While it’s been a little challenging missing our grain-heavy favorites, we have mastered pancakes.



Nuts (we’ve used any combo of cashews, almonds, walnuts, and pecans)*
Primal flour (think coconut or quinoa)
Baking Soda
Baking Powder
Apple cider vinegar
Milk or Water

*You could probably get away with either nuts or flour. I like to grind my own nut flour due to cost but it never seems fine enough so I always add a little commercially ground flour to improve the texture. I also add hemp hearts sometimes.

Making the batter

  1. Preheat a non-stick skillet to medium-high heat while you mix the batter.
  2. Grind nuts and flour together in a high-powered blender or food processor. I usually do enough to make about 2 cups worth.
  3. Add about 3/4 tsp each of baking soda, powder, and salt. Grind again to mix.
  4. Add 2 tsp of vanilla, 1 TBSP of oil, 1 egg per cup of dry ingredients, 1 tsp of vinegar, and enough liquid to form a pancake batter.
  5. Blend well.


Cooking the Pancakes

Grease the pan using whatever fat you desire. I just pour the batter directly from the blender. I find Primal cakes tend to take a little longer to cook than traditional pancakes. You can adjust the thickness if you need to. I also add extra pecans to mine.

Serve with real maple syrup or agave (that’s how we roll).

Posted in Grain-free recipes, Nutrition, Recipes, Uncategorized and tagged , , , .


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