Welcome to the 12th posting of the carnival.
As a mother to both children by birth and through adoption, I can relate to the struggle of having to reassure my adopted children over and over and over again that they are loved with the same intensity that our bios are loved. At a post entitled “Love for My Adopted Daughter, Now & Forever” at Families in the Loop, you can read the account of one mother struggle to explain this to her daughter.
Our situation, yours and mine, is a bit stickier. We will have to choose to stay connected. When you hate me (and you will) and when I drive you crazy (which I most definitely will), we’re going to have to choose to stay together, to fight for our link. You may have to resign yourself to the fact that I am your mother again and again, despite the temptation to think of what could have been.
The feedback from last weekend’s Joy for the Journey Retreat in northern Maryland has been amazing. Here are some specific reflections from Wenrich Family Adoption.
ALL of these women were here to learn, to connect, and to love God. There was no time for gossip or judging or pettiness, like in so many groups I joined in the past. We instantly bonded over the tough stuff in adoption and loving our children. SO REFRESHING!!
Lastly, a freebie from a fellow host at the Schumm Explosion.
As you visit each blog, be sure to leave some comment love. Then share via your social media outlet of choice using the hashtag #adoptionblogcarnival.
There will be no carnival next due to the holiday. If you would like to submit a post for the following week, you can do that here (due by midnight EST on Tuesdays). The more the merrier!
To read the archives, click here.