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Foto Flashback Friday

It’s amazing what you find when you have a couple hours to sit down and catch up on unedited photos.


I came across this from Kayla’s birthday back in January. She had been bugging me for a photo book of her own. It’s hard on our older kids that they don’t have baby books like our others. In traditional families, I feel like the baby gets the raw end of the deal but is so spoiled anyway that it goes relatively unnoticed. That’s how it happened with my sister. In our house, the kids who I haven’t had time to create books for are also the kids who are struggling to believe that they are loved equally in our family. Thus far, my inability to get photo books made for them had been interpreted that I didn’t care. So over Christmas “break” (what is that anyway>), I put all 365 photos from my project in a book. I printed identical books for each child save for the cover photo. They have/will serve as the kids’ birthday gifts this year. I inscribed a special note for each child in his or her book. It was fun to have Kayla’s birthday first because having a book meant the most to her. Grace recently received hers with a little less fanfare since she had figured out what she was getting but stilled showed her gratitude by showing it off to family and friends.

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