James 1:27 Blog Carnival | 21st Edition

Welcome to the 21st edition of james 127 blog carnival.

Robin Bremer presents God’s AWESOME love toward you. He is not mad at you! posted at www.RobinBremer.net.

Allison presents Foster Virtuous Hearts – Love posted at Schumm Explosion, saying, “Looking to help your child from a hard place develop a virtuous heart? Here is the place to start! Today lets talk about love. How do you help your hurting child become a loving child? Share your experiences and resources! Make sure to check this out and share it with your friends.”

Gayle H Swift presents Together Forever–Bridging the Gap of Family Separation | Gift Family Services posted at Gift Family Services, saying, “Parental absences can trigger anxiety in children. Learn strategies for alleviating the stress. Create a “Together Forever” Box.Plan ahead for unexpected separations to minimize the stress on your children. Create a “Together Forever Box.” Include items that reinforce your connection to one another. Before you leave, provide them with a simple itinerary/timeline that clearly marks where and when you will be each day. Highlight your return date on the family calendar. Intentional Parenting tips from GIFT Family Services, Growing Intentional Families”

mom2sixct presents Made in China, with Love: Busy Littles posted at Made in China, with Love, saying, “Home from China with the littles and recovered from jet lag!”

Becky Wenrich presents 4. Four. IV. posted at Wenrich Family Adoption: Becoming a Family of 4, saying, “A post about a special birthday girl.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of james 127 blog carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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