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{Classical Conversations} Cycle 3 | Week 2

We’re really simplifying this year. You can see our Game Plan here. Also check out our U.S. Capitals State Tour.

Here are activities I found when we did Cycle 3 last time. The book list has been updated.

History: Pilgrims

Intro: Virtual Field Trip

Science: Skeletal System

Intro: Video


  1. BeatrizAugust 21, 2014

    Wow! Thank you so much for sharing the virtual field trip! I will definitely be using it with my daughter! We love Classical Conversations! My family is starting Cycle 3 for the first time this September.

  2. GedSeptember 10, 2011

    Thank you so much for posting this stuff!  I am a first year CC parent and can use all the help I can get!

    Thanks again and God Bless!


  3. Dede AlexandreSeptember 3, 2011

    Hi Melissa,

    Thanks so much for posting this on the “CC Connected” site!  You are truly amazing!  I don't know how you do all of those activities and keep you head screwed on straight!

    I just wanted to let you know that I am grateful.  Thanks, again.

    Dede Alexandre

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