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{Classical Conversations} Cycle 3 | Week 11 and 12

We’re really simplifying this year. You can see our Game Plan here.

Here are activities I found when we did Cycle 3 last time. The book list has been updated.


History: Civil War

Both Week 11 and 12 are Civil War-related so enter a 2 week unit on the Civil War.  During Week 11, we’ll be comparing the north and south–soldiers, culture, etc.  Week 12 will be learning about key people in the Civil War.

Week 11:

For younger kids, you can do a side-by-side visual collage and the older kids can do a written chart.

Week 12:

You can find a pretty extensive list of “important” Civil War folks here.  I recommend checking out library books on the ones you want to study.  We will make a log cabin paper quilt like the one explained here (pages 4 and 24) but with pictures and sentences of/about the people we study instead of events of Abe Lincoln’s life.

Other Activities:

Science: Endocrine System

Intro: Video

We’ll do selections from this lesson plan.  If you need more explanation for the cabbage experiment, check here.

Science: Blood

We will just catch up on some of the Circulation stuff we didn’t get to in Week 8.

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