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{Classical Conversations} Cycle 3 | Week 22

We’re really simplifying this year. You can see our Game Plan here.
Here are activities I found when we did Cycle 3 last time. The book list has been updated (and also includes books relevant to geography).

History: September 11

While I came across plenty of lesson plans, I really like these.  They are divided by age group.

Science: Acids, Bases, Salts

These topics are covered well in Christian Kids Explore Chemistry.  For acids and bases we’ll go around finding some common ones in food and household products.  Then we’ll discover that a salt is formed when you mix and acid and a base.


  1. […] found these lesson plans from The Cork Board and read this fact sheet to my children. It was hard for me to read all the way through without […]

  2. […] found these lesson plans from The Cork Board and read this fact sheet to my children. It was hard for me to read all the way […]

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