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Podcast | #28 Naomi Quick on Waiting during Adoption

This week I bring you another super hero of a mom. Naomi quick has 6 kids under 8–all homeschooled. Let that sink in. Six little humans under age 8 who are home All. Day. Long. Naomi writes at her blog 127living.com. She’s also an author and speaker. We chat about how she judged me the first time she heard me speak, and how we both have moved on from being those judgey, holier-than-thou mamas. She has some wise words to offer folks who are still in the waiting stage of their adoption.

Here are the places where you can connect with Naomi:

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To sign up for her upcoming webinar, Foster Care & Adoption: 5 Keys to Starting the Journey Out Right, click here.

Her book is available at Amazon

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