child nexus brain development trauma

3 Things Every Parent Should Know About Their Child’s Brain

A lot of parents struggle when raising kids with ongoing challenging behaviors. They want what’s best for their children and have searched high and low for answers. Instead, they have a handful of diagnoses and little hope for the future. Besides feeling exhausted, they also feel like they failed their child.

I’ve been there. Our third child did not respond to any of the parenting strategies that had worked for our first two. Instead, his behavior got more aggressive. I dreaded every day because I knew it would be a never-ending battle.

The good news is that we found some answers. Our days aren’t perfect, but I’m confident in how we’re parenting. Ty is also thriving and happy.

I wrote this week at Child Nexus about what I wish I would have known. Click here to read the post.

[bctt tweet=”The good news is that we found some answers. Our days aren’t perfect, but I’m confident in how we’re parenting. @ChildNexus” username=”corkboardblog”]

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