Day 4

Last night, we stayed up into Day 4 talking to the kids. They started sharing experiences from their past. We were really surprised how open they were with eachother and us. We really put their English to the test, and they did a great job. I can’t wait until we’re at home with our Amharic-English […]

Day 3

During the rainy season, kids go around singing songs to the backdrop of their washer-rigged sticks banging on the street. Traditionally, people give them small gifts or money.

Day 2

We started the day by heading to court.  It was much less crowded than last time, and we only had to wait about 30 minutes.  Unlike last time, the kids for each of the cases (as long as they were old enough) also came to court.  The judge called in all AWAA families at the […]

Day 1

At least one photo a day for the next year is the plan. We had a great reunion after an uneventful flight to Addis. We spent the afternoon with T. It was great to finally meet her. Patrick, John, Kayla, and I are back at the guest house after a little shopping. I can’t wait […]