Decisions, Decisions

Whoever would’ve thought that my biggest decisions as a mom with kids in tow would be stuff like…

*Should I wake up the sleeping child so he’ll have plenty of time to get ready but be cranky OR let him get up on his own so he’s well-rested but I’m cranky because we’re running late.

*What should I have for breakfast?

*Should I drive slowly to school so Ty has time to fall asleep OR faster so I can have a couple extra minutes in carpool to pick up my book.

*Should I pack a diaper (which is easier to get on with out undressing Ty’s entire lower half) OR a pull up (which allows him to continue “potty training”)?

*What should I have for lunch since I forgot to eat breakfast?

*On days off does morning TV time count against afternoon TV time?

*What should we have for dinner?

*Should I fold laundry with lots of “help” and watch TV in full relax mode OR leave it until 24 tonight when I can fold in peace but I’ll probably be too tired and leave it until tomorrow?

*Should I shower or blog?

What decisions have you made lately?


  1. JennJanuary 27, 2010

    Should I make Luke what he will eat or make him eat what we eat for dinner even though it will be a fight?
    Should I let them play in the tub or a shower which is faster?
    Should I let them stay up late so maybe they will sleep in?
    Is it wrong to turn the radio up loud so I don't have to answer the same question 100 times?

  2. JennJanuary 26, 2010

    Should I make Luke what he will eat or make him eat what we eat for dinner even though it will be a fight?
    Should I let them play in the tub or a shower which is faster?
    Should I let them stay up late so maybe they will sleep in?
    Is it wrong to turn the radio up loud so I don't have to answer the same question 100 times?

  3. TinaJanuary 26, 2010

    should I cancel my preschool dance class to attend my son's basket ball game tonight?

    Should I curl my hair today or keep it straight?

    Do I lay back in bed after the two older kids are off to school and my baby is still sleeping , or should I hop in the shower so that I am ready when she wakes up?

    Do I let Gracie eat chocolate pudding for breakfast since she won't eat anything els?

    Do I blog or get my work done that needs to be done for today?

    Your so funny! Thanks for making me think this morning…..

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