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It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

I won’t lie.

Our current level of craziness + my pragmatism = Grinch-like attitude about the holidays.

The energy it takes to get a live, fresh-cut tree into our house and decorated does not seem attainable.

But despite the dreary weather, winter colds, and unusually low energy levels, we did manage to get a tree. There was only one, minor marital tiff, one meltdown, and 2 episodes of sleep walking due to holiday trauma.

Sunday was supposed to be marked with a coating to 2 inches of snow plus a layer of ice. Instead, Mother Nature dropped over 8 inches before dropping some ice. We ended up not being able to come home directly after church due to treacherous road conditions. However, the dark didn’t stop the littles from getting in some snow play. PJ stayed out for 3 hours!


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