A note to my pre-adoptive mom self

Dear rosy-eyed pre-adoptive mom self, First, let me start off by saying that your heart is big and your intentions are as noble as you know how to make them at this point of your life. I appreciate your no-fear, go-big-or-go-home attitude. I also know you are as stubborn as they come, so there is […]

Treat adoptive families like they have cancer

A long-time friend of mine was recently diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer. From the time her diagnosis was confirmed to starting chemo was only about 2 weeks. In that time, her village rallied around her. There is a private Facebook group where she can post updates for friends and family, but more strikingly are […]

Grain-free Sourdough Soft Pretzels

Earlier this winter, I had this craving for chewy, salty, soft-pretzels. I also happened to be on a sourdough baking kick and wanted to make something that I could eat without feeling guilty, achy, or brain-foggy (grains and gluten tend to do this to me). I took to Pinterest and Google but could only find […]

Foto Flashback Friday

Mia’s dance studio is all a-buzz about this year’s production as the theme and costumes were just posted. We’re ecstatic that she’s been asked to play Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. It’s a relatively small part, but it involves a special Tinkerbell costume AND a dramatic death. What more could an aspiring stage star ask for […]

How brain imaging changed our lives

If you haven’t read this post, start there. So, we’re using brain imaging, now what? I think the most important impact brain imaging has had for us is mindset and expectations. When we were analyzing symptom sets before brain imaging, we were doing our best to conclude why things were happening, but his inconsistent symptoms […]

The Secret to Solving Behavior Problems

I’ve always been a skeptic when it comes to mental health diagnoses. Diagnosing by symptom cluster seems so inaccurate. Even more alarming is that those symptom clusters are often self-assessed…by a person with a mental health struggle. <scratching head> Does anyone else see the irony in diagnosing a person based on self-assessment who is a […]

A Tale of 3 Learning Styles

The main philosophy of education we’re implementing in the education of our children is classical. In the first stage of learning, usually referred to as the grammar stage, students are gaining the facts and vocabulary needed to analyze a subject more deeply. We do this mainly through memory work. Sometimes when I chat with families, they […]

Secret to Successful Sourdough

We tried having the entire family go grain-free once, but it came with too much resistance. Instead, I try to make the bread-y stuff the rest of the fam eats as healthy as possible. A couple summers ago, I set out to create my own sourdough* starter. *If you need a primer, type “benefits of sourdough” […]