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Pantry Project

My mom’s kitchen basically backs up to ours.  She has an awesome pantry.  I think I’m so jealous because I don’t have one at all.  While we keep most of our food separate, we have a take-what-you-need-when-you-need-it policy.  Whenever I need something in her pantry, it drives me crazy. First of all, I’m not tall...

Life Well-Lived: Spring Cleaning

What are your favorite spring cleaning tips? Do you have any to add to Alicia’s 10-minutes-or-less list? I have to laugh that I was assigned this particular part of the Getting Organized campaign.  My first thought was, “Spring Cleaning?!?!  What’s that?  Do people still do that?” Here’s my two-cents: Do a daily 10-minute declutter (read:...

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