Foto Flashback Friday

Our most competitive child has been racing his heart out.  Here’s the play-by-play of his first duathlon. Despite warnings to pace himself, he started strong off the line, heading into the park in second place. He was beat after that first 0.6 miles and had fallen back a few places, but he persevered. It’s helpful when your […]

Foto Friday

These are kinda all over the place but they represent the last week. Maybe if I had been doing this on Foto Friday all summer, I wouldn’t have let over 500 pictures get backlogged in my “need to edit and blog” list. Friday we picked the corn that was ready before all the worms ate […]

Foto Friday

Last week when we were in DC, the kids had their first experience at Arlingtion National Cemetery.  I spent most of the time stressing over the repeated signs that demanded quiet and respect.  If you know Ty, you know why.  I would also recommend visiting on a day that is less than 100 degrees. Surprisingly, […]

Foto Friday

The highlight of our week?  Mia, Ty, and I got to see a Blue Morpho Butterfly up-close and personal.  Even better?  We got pictures to prove it. I wish you could understand just how elusive these guys were.  They seemed to be taunting all of us who just wanted one good shot.  They rarely landed […]