Foto Flashback Friday

It’s amazing what you find when you have a couple hours to sit down and catch up on unedited photos.   I came across this from Kayla’s birthday back in January. She had been bugging me for a photo book of her own. It’s hard on our older kids that they don’t have baby books […]

Foto Flashback Friday

Phew! The last week flew by. I guess time flies even when you’re not having fun 😉 Well, to all of our surprise, Grace made it home last Friday and was able to spend her birthday (Saturday) at home. She’s been working hard to keep herself hydrated and get her lung capacity back. Physically, she’s […]

Foto Flashback Friday

Grace, Mia, and Ty were part of a musical this summer. The entire production is run by volunteers who just love putting kids (any kid) on stage. Other than makeshift costumes, there was no cost to us. It was quite the miracle to watch the laid back (and sometimes chaotic) weekly rehearsals take shape into […]

Foto Flashback Friday

John had his head shaved right before he came home. I think it was traumatizing. He was adamant about not cutting it…ever…at all…when he came home. We honored that desire but kept warning him that if it got too out of hand, it would no longer be trimmable but we would have to shave it […]

Foto Flashback Friday

You know that scenario where the puppy wants to play but the grouchy, old dog is just not into it? That’s totally the dynamic between our two oldest girls. This just happened to be a day this past summer where the old dog was indulging the puppy. Any guesses as to who is the puppy?

Foto Flashback Friday

There are bocce courts 10 minutes from our house. Yup. We’re excited as Ty looks. We let the littles play from half court. And proof, that you can’t take the dance out of the dancer. Or the precision out of an engineer. Or the attitude out of a teenager. Keep watching Queen Attitude. Nope. She […]