Foto Flashback Friday

John had his head shaved right before he came home. I think it was traumatizing. He was adamant about not cutting it…ever…at all…when he came home. We honored that desire but kept warning him that if it got too out of hand, it would no longer be trimmable but we would have to shave it again.


He chose to ignore us.

After almost exactly a year, he realized his nappy mess was not going to get him any girls.


It was 9:30PM one night as he was heading (get it?) to bed, that he announced he was ready to cut it. Unwilling to risk a change of heart in the morning, we shaved it on the spot. Any other method of cutting was out at this point due to how matted it had become. It was quite the event with 4 kids recording the monumental moment on their iPods.


Seriously, it was like shearing a sheep. We should have carded, spun, and knitted what we cut to keep his head warm this winter.


Of course, he was mortified with his new do. I guess the grass is always greener. He only his behind a hood and a hat for a month. It will just keep our trauma therapist in business.


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