All over the place

I can’t seem to get my mind to settle down enough to put together a coherent post…so incoherent it is. Did I mention I’m overtired?  Maybe it’s all the extra exercise I’m getting from teaching Stroller Strides twice a week again. This was the scene outside of preschool yesterday Tyler’s halfway to the car with […]

Thoughts on the Russian adoption gone horribly wrong

It stinks that one person can ruin it for everyone else.  The recent return of a little boy to Russia and the subsequent suspension of Russian adoptions to U.S. homes is a perfect example. (I also hate how the general public’s opinion of adoption is based on media reports of failed adoptions but that’s another […]

I wish I were Octomom

Not the Octomom with 8 kids but the Octomom with 8 octopus-length arms so I could sit in one place for more than 3 seconds before someone asked me to get up and do something.  It seems really bad when I sit down at the computer.  All 3 kids could be playing blissfully together (or […]

Hypothetically Speaking

Let’s get hypothetical for a moment, shall we? Let’s imagine that abortions go away.  Either Roe vs. Wade is overturned or God moves mightily to answer the prayers of millions in the pro-life movement. Since roughly 1.2 million abortions are performed every year, that would mean 1.2 million more babies. Statistically, speaking about 2% of […]


I’ve had one of those days that leaves my head spinning.  Patrick volunteered to take PJ to school this morning.  To say PJ was thrilled would be an understatement.  I think Patrick was just thrilled to have his car back and wanted a place to go since going to the “office” doesn’t require leaving the […]