Foto Flashback Friday

So I have all these pictures that never made the {365} Project but are still postable nonetheless. I think I’ll start catching up on Fridays. Those were from 2 belt tests ago in February. BELT UPDATE Patrick, Melissa, PJ–Red Mia–Blue Ty–Little Dragon Purple John, Kayla–Green Grace–Orange

Day 75

Nothing says, “Welcome to America,” like a natural disaster. Despite all the hype and prep, we came through Hurricane Sandy unscathed.

Day 71

Some games are universal. Apparently, this is one where you stare at each other and the first one who laughs gets bopped on the head by the winner.

Day 62

We don’t call them adoption adventures for nothing. We left the house a little later than we planned. After 2 cups of coffee, Patrick was desperate for a pit stop before we got to the airport. Traffic was worse than anticipated so we couldn’t really afford to stop but when nature calls… The easiest access […]

Day 51

Last fall, we got a dog on a whim. It turned out she had what amounts to breast cancer. We’ve known for a while her days were numbered. Now she’s in doggy heaven. Thanks for being a great dog, Hope!