A Day of Firsts: Big E Photo Dump

It is so much fun re-experiencing so many things through the eyes of non-American-raised teenagers.  Our day at the Big E was definitely a day of “firsts.” First kid to reach double digit push ups (unassissted). First time milking a goat (or any animal for that matter). First donuts…hot out of the oil. First encounter […]

Day 36

Next time you teach a kid to ride a bike, take time to appreciate that you are most likely teaching someone who already knows how to pedal…continuously in a forward motion. Pedalling has been the hardest learning curve so far.

Day 20

Some things, like winning and losing, are universal…it seems video games are as well 🙂 What things have you found to be universal?

Day 18

Patrick decided to build a triple bunk for the girls’ room. It actually turned into a great family bonding project.

Day 17

We met my cousin for a walk around Great Falls National Park. Everyone was exhausted when we were finished, but it’s amazing how a little habesha will energize 5 kids for a giggly ride home.

Day 15

We’re such dorks. Our love language is cool science projects. The latest came from a similarly-minded friend. All 5 kids and I gathered around to watch the entire digestive process unfold in one caterpillar (if you catch my drift)–over lunch no less. Hopefully we’ll have beautiful photos of swallow tails to show in a couple […]