Things we learned from our garden

With autumn approaching, we’re gearing down in the garden.  (Unless we remember to plant our fall crops).  We’ve learned a lot this summer…again. Japanese beetles love pole beans. Squash bugs love…well…squash plants. Pole beans were not the best choice for a family whose tallest member is 5’4″. Rainy days followed by hot, humid weather cause […]

First Day: Take 2

So Mia’s officially back to school.  She’s officially a big girl…uniform and all.  We’re so blessed to be at the school we are at.  She’s doing half day kindergarten in the same room she’s been in for the last 2 years with a teacher she’s had before with lots of familiar friends.  She’s already been […]


If I had to pick one word to describe the current season, it would be BALANCING. We have one kid officially back to school as of this morning. And so the fall chaos begins. Balancing school with fun. Balancing soccer with dance. Balancing ministry with rest. Balancing work with chores. Balancing 5 schedules. To aid […]