First Day: Take 2

So Mia’s officially back to school.  She’s officially a big girl…uniform and all.  We’re so blessed to be at the school we are at.  She’s doing half day kindergarten in the same room she’s been in for the last 2 years with a teacher she’s had before with lots of familiar friends.  She’s already been getting up to get PJ to school for 2 years so her transition has been so easy.  No anxieties, just full out excitement.

She’s our early riser so we got to have breakfast together this morning before our you’re-not-supposed-to-be-out-of-bed-before-this-time time.  I figured the first day of kindergarten warranted an exception.


Then we got the boys up and she got her uniform on. Then it was outside for pictures. She is so much more fun in front of the camera than PJ 🙂


By this time next week everyone will be in full Fall craziness.

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