Things we learned from our garden

With autumn approaching, we’re gearing down in the garden.  (Unless we remember to plant our fall crops).  We’ve learned a lot this summer…again.

  1. Japanese beetles love pole beans.
  2. Squash bugs love…well…squash plants.
  3. Pole beans were not the best choice for a family whose tallest member is 5’4″.
  4. Rainy days followed by hot, humid weather cause extraordinarily fast growing and ripening of produce.
  5. When you often starter plants to friends and they accept, write their names down.  Otherwise you have a bunch of plants to give away and no idea who wanted them.
  6. I need more green bean recipes.
  7. Compost volunteer tomatoes are way cheaper than buying them.
  8. The volunteer tomatoes that you let grow where they land (right outside the compost bin) will take over!
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  10. Worms love corn.
  11. Sometimes Asian Pear trees just don’t blossom which means no fruit 🙁

And that’s that.

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